Saturday 7 October 2023

AI and the Risk Society: Cultural Studies Unit-2

This blog is in response to a Thinking Activity given by our professor Dilip Barad sir, this is the link of sir's blog you can go there and see more details about this task. In this blog I am going to Write about Topic AI and the risk in society. as we all know now a days there are so many new Artificial Intelligence used by everyone.

AI and Risk in Society

The concept of the "Risk Society" in cultural studies, as well as its relationship with AI (Artificial Intelligence), touches upon several important aspects of contemporary society and technology. Developed by the German sociologist Ulrich Beck in the late 20th century, the Risk Society thesis suggests that modern societies are characterized by an increased awareness and management of risks brought about by industrialization, globalization, and technological advancements.

Here's how AI intersects with the Risk Society from a cultural studies perspective:

1. Technological Risks: 

AI represents a significant technological advancement that introduces new risks and uncertainties into society. The development of AI technologies like autonomous vehicles, AI-powered healthcare diagnostics, and financial trading algorithms has the potential to create risks related to safety, ethics, and privacy. Cultural studies scholars examine how these risks are perceived, communicated, and managed by society.

2. Media Representation: 

Cultural studies scholars analyze how AI and its associated risks are portrayed in media, including films, television, literature, and news media. These representations can influence public perception and shape societal responses to AI-related risks. For example, films like "Ex Machina" and "Blade Runner" explore the risks and ethical dilemmas associated with AI and human-robot interactions.

3. Cultural Narratives: 

AI often triggers cultural narratives about the role of technology in society, the potential loss of human jobs, and the ethical implications of creating intelligent machines. Cultural studies examine how these narratives are constructed, circulated, and contested within society, impacting public discourse and policymaking.

4. Surveillance and Privacy: 

AI technologies, such as facial recognition and predictive analytics, raise concerns about surveillance and privacy. Cultural studies scholars explore how these technologies intersect with issues of power, control, and the erosion of personal privacy in the context of the Risk Society.

5. Ethical Dilemmas: 

AI introduces ethical dilemmas that are central to cultural studies investigations. These dilemmas include questions about AI bias, decision-making algorithms, autonomous weapons, and the moral responsibility of AI creators. Cultural studies provide a framework for analyzing and critiquing the ethical dimensions of AI within the Risk Society.

6. Public Perception: 

Cultural studies examine how the public perceives AI-related risks and how these perceptions influence attitudes and behaviors. This includes studying factors such as public trust in AI, willingness to adopt AI technologies, and support for regulations to mitigate AI risks.

7. Policy and Regulation: 

Cultural studies also analyze the development and implementation of policies and regulations related to AI and its associated risks. Scholars investigate how societal values and cultural factors shape the legal and ethical frameworks governing AI technologies.

In summary, cultural studies provide a valuable lens through which to explore the intersection of AI and the Risk Society. By examining the cultural, social, and ethical dimensions of AI-related risks, cultural studies scholars contribute to a deeper understanding of how society navigates the challenges posed by advanced technologies in the contemporary era.

Here I have embed one video which is based on Artificial intelligence and danger of it. 

Movies based on AI and Risk:-

AI and the concept of a "risk society." The risk society theory, developed by sociologist Ulrich Beck, suggests that modern societies are increasingly characterized by risks and uncertainties, and this concept can be applied to the ethical and societal implications of AI. While I can't provide detailed information about movies released after my last knowledge update in September 2021, I can suggest some films that were relevant to this theme up to that point. You may need to research newer releases separately.

1. Ex Machina (2014):

Plot:- The film revolves around a young programmer who is invited to administer the Turing test on an intelligent humanoid robot with a highly advanced AI. As he interacts with the AI, ethical dilemmas and the potential risks of creating self-aware machines become central themes.

AI and Risk Society: "Ex Machina" explores the ethical and existential risks associated with creating AI entities with human-like consciousness. It delves into questions about power dynamics and the potential for AI to disrupt society.

2. Blade Runner (1982) and Blade Runner 2049 (2017):

Plot: These films are set in a dystopian future where AI-driven humanoid replicants are nearly indistinguishable from humans. Blade Runners, tasked with "retiring" rogue replicants, grapple with questions of identity, morality, and what it means to be human.

AI and Risk Society: Both movies raise questions about the societal risks of creating AI entities that are almost indistinguishable from humans. They explore themes of exploitation, surveillance, and the consequences of unchecked technological advancement.

3. A.I. Artificial Intelligence (2001):

Plot: Directed by Steven Spielberg, this film is set in a future where highly advanced robots are commonplace. It follows the journey of a highly advanced AI boy who seeks to become "real" in a world where humans are increasingly disconnected from their emotions.

AI and Risk Society: The film touches on themes of human-AI interaction, emotional attachment to AI entities, and the potential for AI to replace or complement human relationships. It also explores the ethical dilemmas surrounding creating AI beings capable of deep emotions.

4. Her (2013):

Plot: In a near-future world, a lonely writer develops an emotional connection with an AI operating system designed to evolve and adapt like a human. The film explores their complex relationship and the challenges of intimacy with AI.

AI and Risk Society: "Her" delves into the risks of emotional attachment to AI, as well as the potential for AI to shape and influence human emotions. It raises questions about the impact of AI on human relationships and society.

These movies provide a glimpse into the ethical, societal, and existential dilemmas posed by AI in the context of a risk society. Please note that there may be newer films that further explore these themes, so consider checking more recent sources for additional movie recommendations and in-depth analysis.

The launch of ChatGPT, an artificial intelligence chatbot, is seen as an advanced technological innovation in recent times. Its ability to answer complex questions has puzzled many, who now fear that it may leave many jobless. Some also worry about its possible misuse. Just recently, some tech experts called for a pause for at least six months on the training of AI systems more powerful than GPT-4, the most advanced version of ChatGPT.

US President Biden met with his council of advisors on science and technology. Addressing the press, Biden said last October, his government proposed a bill of rights to ensure that important protections are built into the AI systems from the start, not have to go back to do it. "And so, tech companies have a responsibility, in my view, to make sure their products are safe before making them public," he said. Biden said that social media had already shown the harm that powerful technologies can do without the right safeguards in place. "Absent safeguards, we see the impact on the mental health and self-images and feelings and hopelessness, especially among young people," he added.

When asked whether he thought AI was dangerous, Biden said: "It remains to be seen. It could be." He reiterated a call for Congress to pass bipartisan privacy legislation to put limits on personal data that technology companies collect, ban advertising targeted at children, and prioritise health and safety in product development.

Reuters reported that the tech ethics group Center for Artificial Intelligence and Digital Policy has asked the US Federal Trade Commission to stop Open AI - an artificial intelligence research company - from issuing new commercial releases of GPT-4, which has appalled users with its human-like abilities to generate written responses to requests. Democratic US Senator Chris Murphy has urged society to pause as it considers the ramifications of AI.

The use of AI in financial institutions is increasing as technological barriers have fallen and its benefits and potential risks have become clearer. The Financial Stability Board recently highlighted four areas where AI could impact banking specifically. 

First, customer-facing uses could expand access to credit and other financial services. For example, combining expanded consumer data sets with new ML algorithms to assess credit quality or price insurance policies, and using AI to offer new and innovative channels to deliver financial services could be a potent way to advance financial inclusion. Also, the use of AI chatbots could provide help and even financial advice to consumers, saving them time they might otherwise waste while waiting to speak with a live operator. 

Second, there is the potential for strengthening back-office operations, such as advanced models for capital optimization, model risk management, stress testing, and market impact analysis. 

Third, AI approaches could be applied to trading and investment strategies, from identifying new signals on price movements to using past trading behavior to anticipate a client’s next order. 

Finally, there are likely to be AI advancements in compliance and risk mitigation by banks. AI solutions are already being used by some firms in areas like fraud detection, capital optimization, and portfolio management.

Thank you so much for reding this blog..

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